The older ‘other woman’
You start with three cards and you end up with ten. This is not unusual. It would be unusual, yet quite common and boring too, if you kept drawing cards until you got the answer you want to hear. But if you start with three cards and then simply follow-up on the thread that unravels, reading the cards in line, you can end up with quite the story – as in the cards above in a question about a relationship coming out of this classic: Older man finds younger model. Then the younger model gets worried. What happened? Let’s see.
The young woman (Star) is naked in the picture, contributing her all to making it work (Temperance). But the relationship goes cold (Moon). Dogs howl at the moon. The older man (Hermit) is wondering about it: ‘what is this whole circus about?’ (Judgment). He hates it (Devil). ‘I had better get out of here’ (Charioteer), he’s thinking, ‘choose again (Lovers), and start over (Magician) with the older one (Popess).’
Where does this leave the Star? In the above example, the question about this relationship came from her, the young woman. I told her to forget about it. She is not the one for the Hermit. They have nothing in common. Not even good sex. She may be drawn to the man, and even willing to serve him her best, but he is not drawn to her. In fact, he is repelled by her.
Such a nasty message to give a beautiful young woman, who is sacrificing her youth on the altar of old age and doubt. Not that the young ought to never go with the old. By all means. But the feeling of attraction must be not only mutual, but also lasting longer than the first series of getting undressed.
And yet, it goes to show. Sometimes the classic ‘other woman’ who steals the older man from his wife doesn’t always get to live happily ever after with him. Sometimes she may experience the eternal return of the wife, or ‘the one,’ in which case all she’s got is one option only: to look at how her stakes are stacked, and hence forget about it.
The classic
Let’s refer here to the classic that made an impact on hundreds of tarot readers who turned their gaze towards the Marseille tarot. This one is still going strong. And I must say, for good reason.
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