Crushed expectations
The Emperor and the Empress know where they’re going.
Until the Devil betrays their expectations.
The crushed Tower becomes a hot hell, and so it goes.
I held my Andromalius book in my hands, as I was making a point about irony in cartomancy. When I often get a question in an interview, off I go spending 10 minutes on answering it. At least. When I also exemplify with the cards, the 10 minutes become 30. I’m awful in that way.
But ‘never mind,’ the Devil says, ‘keep going, for when you read the cards, you always know where you’re going.’
The sitter in front of me lost their track, thinking: ‘is this the Devil speaking, the cards, or Andromalius under the radar?’
I wasn’t paying attention to the sitter’s thoughts, as I kept talking…
A fragment of the interview I’m referring to here, will be soon published in the Read like the Devil Practice Club, the space where I reveal all sorts of things, to our amusement and enlightenment. The topic that I cover in this fragment is about giving form to our perceptions.
Hop on board, and be part of the discussion.
The silk edition
When you read the cards for a royal couple and then you point to what hell they’re in, you do it in style, by referring to all things silk and silver, gold and ashes…
Andromalius, Take Two: Goetic Stories is just the book for such special occasions.