Vermeer’s pearl
Because it’s Friday and I feel like Vermeer’s girl with the pearl in search of light, I sit with the original Carolus Zoya cards, while sipping the fine Chinese tea, Meng Ding Gan Lu. The taste sends me on an imaginary trip out of town to a place where prophets are tolerated and poets are not seen as fools.
Here I have the common sense to perform an act of bibliomancy with my own book, Choices, and let my eyes fall on the phrase, ‘but also meta-questions.’ Some try to block their memories, but not I, not when cards and ‘also meta-questions’ are on the table.
I’m not sure what Vermeer was thinking, nor what his young girl was thinking when she sat for his divination act, but I bet it had something to do with how light looks down on shadow, and perhaps even laughs at it, especially when no one is looking. Except for the pearl.
About dreams
In this book I offer ten examples of reading the six-card draw with the Marseille Tarot. The topic is the theme of choice and the common thread that runs through it is the question of what is at stake when we compare situations.