Method · Philosophy · Practice
The point of cartomancy
Cartomancy or coaching? Restructuring a business without destroying it. Two 3-card readings of the same cards in reversed order.
The question of time in cartomancy
Most think that divination is about reading fortunes or the self in relation to time. But what if I proposed that this is never the case, as we mostly read the cards for place, spatial metaphors, and the geography of the unknown?
The ‘other’ man
In traditional fortunetelling we talk about ‘the other woman.’ But how about ‘the other man?’ A 3-card practice with follow-up questions.
The fortuneteller: A portrait
The question that discloses a surprising portrait of the fortuneteller.
The inner voice as a dimwit
Falling for fallacies that cartomancers apply to their practice and what to do about it.
Reading against what you want to hear
How to avoid giving in to the desire to read for your emotions, with an example from Richard Gere and the Dalai Lama.
A reading for the soulmate with a twist
In love and war, you want to know who your soul mate is.
Self-help doesn’t work in divination
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better” doesn’t work in divination. Let’s see what does.
Playing cards for risk analysis
A short comparison between tarot cards and playing cards in questions about risk analysis.
The intuitive, the spiritual, and the plain clear reading
A 3-card practice that distinguishes between the clear and the spiritual reading.
Symbolism and function
How to make a sharp distinction between the symbolic meaning and function of the cards.
You don’t reshuffle
You don’t reshuffle when significator cards fall in the margins of a tableau, nor do you reshuffle when you discover other mishaps.